Friday, September 01, 2006

Favorite Things
What a topic. Everyone has favorite stuff they enjoy, eat, watch, read, etc.
Here's a few of mine:
a fireplace in the winter
a good book or tape
rain that shuts me in the house to enjoy a break
Simon, Sandy, Twitch, Snuggles, and Tipper, my cats
writing on my novels
eating out w/my favorite guy--Dan
talking with my favorite guy--see above
my water garden

Enough for now. More later . . .

Your quote for today:
There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning. --Louis Lamour

A tip for the minister's wife:
Begin your own list of favorite things. Add to it everyday. Make it a practice to thank God for so many wonderful things in your life. Enjoy your list.

See ya next week,
Keep writing, or whatever. I've got a synopsis to finish on my inspirational love novel, so gotta get busy.


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