Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Looking Foward

What's next in your life?

Well, of course, I've got several manuscripts to finish. The romance I'm about ready to submit is just about ready to hit the road. The mystery still has a few pages to go to get anywhere its transportation ride, but eventually . . .

But, really, here it is the 31st. The next big holiday is Thanksgiving, and it'll be here before we know it. Really.

This holiday use to be lower on the totem pole for popular holidays on my calendar. But lately, well, let's just say I think I've learned to really appreciate this milder time to celebrate family, God, and being alive. Now, fixing the meal, sharing with family and friends is special to me.

So who'll be at your Thanksgiving table? Will you eat out? Travel to someplace else to visit with others? Prepare your own meal with just family? Or hubby? Invite outsiders in?

That last question is a special thing for me. I think sharing my love for God shows when I can find someone that will be lonely or hungry and invite them in to share all God's blessings. I'm not thinking just of myself and family. I'm looking outside my box. I care about others.

Quote for the day:
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. --King Solomon

One hint for today:
Prepare your house for the holidays, by breaking down those tasks. Take one room a day (or week) and do what is necessary to bring it to where you would like it to be.

Have a wonderful evening.

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