Thursday, October 05, 2006

Day Three of My Musings on Writing Conference


The first thing (besides breakfast, devotions, etc. etc.) that happened on Friday morning was my appointment with an editor--Joanne at Heartsong Presents. I was nervous, of course, but quickly got into the presentation. I love talking about writing (have I told you lately?) She made it easy, listening, asking question, giving suggestions. The end result: she requested a proposal. DOUBLE YEAH!

What is a proposal? It's approximately three chapters of your manuscript, a detailed summary of your book (usually chapter by chapter, but not always, depends on what the publishing house wants), your marketing plans, a bit about your life, experience, plans for other books, and anything else you can think of (that's appropriate) to be impressive.

But first and foremost is good (should I say excellent?) writing. If your writing stinks, well, you're sunk. That's not to say you can't improve. Practice, study, and reading all helps. Critique groups and conferences help. There you can meet other writers, editors and agents. There you can learn, mingle and maybe bribe (grin) someone to mentor you. Gain encouragement. OH, there's tons of stuff to be gained by going to a writing conference.

It was well worth my investment and I'll do it again. Lord willing, of course.

Secondly, lunch and dinner was set up in a huge dining area. Tables were big; seating ten people. Placards were placed with the names of agents and editors, and big time writers. If you were quick enough and smart enough, you could grab a table with the person you wanted to sit with, hopefully get a chance to talk about your book.

I did that twice. Results (can you see the grin I've got?) two more requests for proposals. OH, wonderful!

Out of time. More tomorrow.

TIP for MW's today:
* Burnt food? boil a cup of cola for a minute or two, removes the burned food. Tuff stuff? Repeat process.

* To loosen cooked cheese from pans and dishes? Soak in cold water, not hot. The hot just melts the cheese again.

* Never spray furniture polish directly onto furniture. This can leave streaks. Spray onto your cloth, then polish.

Quote of the day:
Take a risk. Open up your heart. Find a real friend (never stop searching till you do.) and grow together. Be a real friend and see what happens. -- Sheila Walsh.


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