Thursday, November 09, 2006

Great Day in the Morning!

Are you one of those individuals who get up at the crack of dawn?

Confession time: I am. Or least most of the time. I love rising and knowing I've got a whole lovely day ahead of me. Fresh and brand new, ready for me to go at it with renewed strength and vigor.

I didn't use to be that way. I liked (and still do on occasion) staying up late, then catching up on my sleep in the morning, although I've NEVER EVER been one of those who can sleep in till all hours. Sorry, that's not me.

Let me tell you what I like about the early mornings:

The misty dawn sliding up over the hill tops. We live in the hills--not mountains--hills. I don't know if there's anything more lovely than waking and seeing that beautiful blue-gray mist hanging over a valley.

Then there's the animals. They waken, and those dependent on us for their nurture--come bounding--big and small alike--awake and crying out for their sustenance of the day. "Feed me, feed me!" the spoiled animals say. And we caring humans bow to their demands. Their innocent and loyal faces ready and waiting patiently--or impatiently--whatever the case.

I love the dew on the summer grass, getting my toes wet or my nose when I bend to smell the roses. I love the new soft layers of snow--untouched and clean from the night's storm.

I like starting anew with a fresh aspect on the day. Sometimes it only takes a nighttime to clear my brain of a confusing fog of hesitation, to know what to do about a situation. I like starting my writing of the day with the new idea that came to me in the night.

I love the sleepy sound of birds beginning their morning songs. I like the sound of my coffee dripping into its pot. I like the tingle of coldness on a winter day before the house warms enough to take away the crispness. I like the patter of rain drops on my roof and on my umbrella when I dash around in it.

Now you can see why I titled this meander what I did (at the top). It's because I thank God for mornings.

Yesterday we talked about simplifying our lives around the holidays by giving simpler, more heartfelt gifts. Today I want to share some ideas for putting together fun gift baskets. They are almost as much fun to make as to receive:

*Got a fisherman in the family? Use a tackle box or fish bowl--put hooks, bait, line, hot chocolate or sodas, trail mix, gloves, fishing magazines and/or a fish pillow in it. He'll love you! (This can work for any kind of sport--hunting, etc. Maybe use a gun case or a orange vest and stuff it with shells, gloves, warm socks, magazines, etc.)

* Pet lovers? For a dog, use a dog bowl, place a ball or other toys, dog bones, rawhides, a leash, name tag and a brush in it. How about a picture of a mailman with "the enemy" written on it? Cat lover? Use a cat litter box, place a catnip toy, cat food, a scoop, leash, name tag, and a little rubber mouse. Pets and owners alike will adore you.

* Got a son who loves his truck? Buy a large bucket, place a hanging ornament for the mirror in it, air freshener, wax, car wash, chamois, tire cleaner & spray to make tires shine (what's it called?), key ring, ice melter and scraper. Use your imagination!

* Relaxing Basket for those who need some coddling: Line a basket with a hand towel. Add scented soap, bath oil, bubble bath, bath salts, a mood candle, and don't forget to insert a favorite magazine or the current inspirational novel.

* The next two suggestions would be good for either the older ones in the family or even those on special diets or the health concious:

Make up a basket lined with tissue paper. Add fruit, hot chocolate mix (maybe dietic type?) various teas, and some dried fruits. Sprinkle nuts on top of everything.

Or, In a basket, stock pot, or bean crock, add large soup mugs, a seven-bean soup, cornbread mix, cookie mix (& cutters?) and oyster crackers.

These are just a few ideas. You could make up a chocolate lover basket, a family night basket, Ice cream lover, coffee lover, baby basket, writer and/or reader basket. The list goes on and on.

A sun-shiny day quote and prayer for you, my special friends:
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you. (Taken from 3 John 1:2)


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